Welcome to Beeright

Beekeeping anywhere, anytime.

Monitor colony strength, activity and productivity.

Smart Hive Care

Smart Hive Care

Automate and simplify your beekeeping with real-time monitoring of queen health, hive productivity, and disease detection. Act quickly to ensure optimal hive health and protect your investment.

Australian Tough

Australian Tough

Our beekeeping gear is tailored for the harsh Australian landscape. It's affordable and built to last, enabling beekeepers to manage hive health and productivity efficiently and effectively.

We are Beeright

Revolutionizing Beekeeping

Bee Right offers cutting-edge solutions for beekeepers, providing real-time monitoring and automated management to ensure hive health and maximize productivity. Our tools are designed for the rugged Australian landscape, making beekeeping efficient and cost-effective.

Advanced Monitoring

Health Actions

Disease Prevention

Australia Adapted

Born and raised Down Under

Designed and made with Aussie beekeepers to solve your challenges. Our monitors have been hardened to withstand the Australian outdoors. Leaving no hive behind, we’ve brought the equipment size and cost down so you can monitor every beehive.


Real-time insights

Plan your day knowing which hives need what intervention before you leave. Actionable insights so you take the right gear and waste no time, every time. Be empowered to intervene before it’s too late.


Queen Health Monitoring

Track your queen's activity and ensure she is thriving. Maintain strong and productive colonies efficiently and easily, supporting greater profitability. Work smarter, not harder.
